You are Light … yes, you.
If you are reading this, you are an expression of starlight,
Made from the same substance that sprinkles the night sky.
You, with your broken heart and tattered dreams
You, with the heaviness in your soul
You, with the tear-drenched face
You, with the ache too deep for words
You are Light.
Being Light isn’t easy.
It means being present to the dark.
It means illuminating what wants to hide in shadows.
It means looking unflinchingly at what is.
Being light means seeing the fork in the road and choosing which way to walk
Instead of automatically following the crowd, or the habit, or the path of least resistance.
Being light can be joyous like holiday lights
… colourful, twinkling, beautiful.
Being light can be purposeful like a spotlight
… drawing attention to a place where work needs to be done
… highlighting the beauty of a dance or a piece of art
Being light can be fragile
… like a candle flame, easily extinguished by a breeze
You are all of these in your Light
… never just one way of being
You are Light.
… a beloved presence to those who know you
… a poignant memory to a stranger who felt your kindness in a moment of connection
… a safe space for someone who brought to you their sorrow, their hurt, their bewilderment
I just wanted to let you know today …
I see your Light, your beaming, flickering, twinkling light.
Thank you for being You. You make our world a brighter place.
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